Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA)


CANSA is one of South Africa’s largest funders of cancer research. Researchers in this field are invited to submit grant applications in one of the four programmes outlined on the right.

Type A: projects initiated and executed at institutions such as universities and parastatal organisations

Type B: environmental carcinogen research projects initiated and managed by CANSA

Travel, study or overseas visitors programme


Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC) - Western Cape Government (WCG) Partnership


Innovation grant: water security submissions 

The purpose of this grant is to encourage university researchers, in partnership with WCG policy-makers, to consider new approaches, methodologies and interventions for addressing the seemingly intractable  challenge of ensuring water security and the need to plan for and support sustainable and inclusive development. University researchers are invited to submit proposals for innovative work in areas related to the challenges associated with water security.



National Research Foundation (NRF)


National Research Foundation funding is managed and administered through the Research Office. Application for funding from NRF programmes must be in response to a call. Consult the Current Funding Opportunities page for updated calls and UCT internal deadlines. Click on NRF investment areas (on the right) to see a list of funding instruments within each area.

Established researchers

Strategic knowledge fields

Human capacity development

Applied research innovation and collaboration

Infrastructure capacity development

NRF mobility


Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF)


The PRF is dedicated to the furtherance of the discipline of virology, one of the major causes of disease in this country, by promoting virological research and helping build capacity in this speciality.

How to apply for PRF grants

PRF applications forms



South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)


The SAMRC was established to promote the improvement of health and the quality of life of the population of the country through research development and technology transfer.

Request for applications through open calls

Grants and scholarships: research capacity development for master’s, PhD and postdoctoral candidates in medical and health sciences

Self-initiated research grants: to support original research

Conference applications

International and non-MRC local funding


Technology and Human Resource for Industry Programme (THRIP)


THRIP is a flagship research and development programme of the Department for Trade and Industry and the NRF. Its mission is to leverage collaborative partnerships on a cost-sharing basis, for research in science, engineering and technology, in order to provide technology solutions towards a competitive industry and to produce a flow of highly skilled researchers and technology managers for industry.

Find out more about THRIP


Technology Innovation Agency (TIA)


TIA is a national public entity that provides risk funding and support for innovators to progress ideas towards market entry and commercialisation.

TIA offers three risk funding schemes aimed at directly financing technology development projects with commercial potential:
Seed Fund
Technology Development Fund
Commercialisation Support Fund.

All UCT applications to TIA should be submitted in collaboration with the Research Contracts and Innovation (RC&I). See their website for more information on how to submit to TIA.

Visit the TIA website.

Water Research Commission (WRC)


Established to support sustainable development through research funding, knowledge creation and dissemination.

WRC funding categories:
directed calls
open calls

See website for more information


For more information on research funding contact the Research Support Services.

This information was last updated May 2016. It serves as a rough guide for research funding opportunities. Please check funder websites for additional details.